
Welcome To ThePennyJane

Gain the experience of an award-winning HR Manager!

Our track record speaks for itself. We've saved clients MILLIONS of dollars. We've increased wellness participation by 54% among teammembers. Our Health Fairs garner the attention of news outlets and change lives, but most importantly they have SAVED the lives of several people.

Get A Quote. It's less than you think.

Health Fair Coordination

We have many years experience organizing and coordintating incredible health fairs.

Benefit Plan Design

I love benefit administration. Odd, I know, but I love it. I read benefit plan manuals in my spare time to stay up-to-date on the latest offerings. I can save your organization money while giving your team members a happier and healthier life.

Regulation Checkups

Avoid costly fines and legal action by allowing me to audit your current benefit plans, policies, and procedures. I can find potential HIPAA violations and suggest cost-effective actions to allevate the stress of federal and local regulations.

What We Offer

Benefit Plan Research

We do the heavy lifting of reading the manuals and exploring benefit options to find you the best fit for your organization, and most importantly your team members.

Stretagic Planning

Updating or changing benefit plans can be a massive undertaking. Let our experience with organizing benefit transitions guide you.

Market Analysis

We stay up-to-date on the latest offerings so that you don't have to. We can present your offerings in a concise presentation when you're busy schedule is ready to hear it.

Financial Analaysis

You're probably paying too much. Broker fees, over-priced premiums, and outdated plan designs are probably costing your organization thousands or millions of dollars per year. We can fix this.

Regulatory Advisory

Allow us to audit your existing benefit plans, policies, and procedures to find potential legal issues. This saves you years of stress and piles of money.


Wellness starts with education and a good wellness plan saves you on insurance. Even more importantly, a happy, healhty workforce increases production and general office morale.


Request A Free Quote

Fill out the short contact information below and I will personally call you and discuss your needs to get you a quick and accurate quote.

Our Team Members

Penny Prater


David Prater

Automation Engineer

Join my benefits and wellness newsletter!

Get In Touch

Bowling Green, KY

[email protected]


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